Childcare Programs
Keene, NH
90 Base Hill Rd, Keene, NH 03431
7:45 am - 4:15 pm
From 6 weeks to 18 months of age
Families help develop an individualized schedule for their child that meets their needs and preferences while in our care.
Full time (M - F) = $325/week
Part Time (M/W/F) = $220/week
Part Time (T/Th) = $160/week
Ages 1.5-3 years
Children begin following a classroom schedule with group activities as they become more social and curious.
Full time (M - F) = $290/week
Part Time (M/W/F) = $195/week
Part Time (T/Th) = $140/week
Ages 3-5
Activities are planned based on children's interests to encourage learning independent skills, creative thinking, and social wellness.
Our Ready for Kindergarten program is integrated into our preschool room with a focus on the fundamental social, emotional, and independent skills needed to succeed and learn as they enter a school setting.
Full time (M - F) = $265/week
Part Time (M/W/F) = $175/week
Part Time (T/Th) = $130/week
Monthly payment plans are encouraged